Author(s) | : | Dr. Shyam S Mandal, Dr. Sweta Roy, HK Chourasia and AK Roy |
ISBN | : | 978-93-95118-39-2 |
Language | : | English |
Pages | : | 71 |
Publication Year | : | 2023 |
Binding | : | Paper Back |
DOI | : | |
Amazon | : |
Bihar and Jharkhand is endowed with natural resources. These states are the homeland of a large number of cultural and ethnic groups. The knowledge of the people in a given community has developed over time, and continues to develop is Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK). htpp:// an e ITK Database on Medicinal Plants of Bihar and Jharkhand is the outcome of an original work carried out in 32 Districts, 64 Blocks (in each District 2 Block) and 128 villages (in each Block two villages) of Bihar and Jharkhand selected on the basis of the presence of ethnic people and area of forest. 1280 respondents, 10 respondents from every 128 villages chosen for questionnaire surveys. The present book is afforded to make an e- ITK database on cultural aspects of the conservation of medicinal plants. It is an account of 162 plant species used in traditional medicine in Bihar and Jharkhand along with its scientific name, vernacular name, taxonomy, phenology, distribution, the cultural aspect of conservation such as folk nomenclature, folk taxonomy, use in diet, marketing, sacred groves, and therapeutic uses and worship. Therapeutics uses of plants have been explored as plant parts used, forms of use, ethnopharmacology, and dose. Worship is also one of the strongest modes of conservation criteria that have been noted in terms of location plants, associated ethnic groups, and culture. Efforts have been made to collect up-to-date references from all available sources have been incorporated. We are confident that the book will also be welcomed by researchers and scholars of various disciplines like Botany, Agriculture, Forestry, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmaceutical Industries apart from Ayurveda and other traditional systems of medicine as well as modern medicine. We record my heartfelt gratitude to respondents for their sincere efforts which have made it possible to collect and compile the database in bringing this book.