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Psicomotricidad en El Desarrollo de La Prescribirá en Infantes de 5 Años en Las Instituciones Educativas de Nivel Inicial

Psicomotricidad en El Desarrollo de La Prescribirá en Infantes de 5 Años en Las Instituciones Educativas de Nivel Inicial

₹ 365.00

Author(s):Jesús Mery Arias Huánuco, Sendy Edith Unocc Cangalaya and Jessica Coronel Capani
Publication Year:2023
Binding:Paper Back

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The research book discusses that children from the age of 3 should begin to copy models, without mentioning that they must have prior preparation, especially that they are neurologically mature. For this reason, the present work was carried out in order for people to understand the importance of the activities that must be carried out before starting the pre-writing, with the support of gross and fine motor skills.

The content of the book is as follows:

  • The problem and its importance
  • Theoretical background
  • Methodology
  • Analysis of results