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Digital Farming

Digital Farming

₹ 832.00

Author(s):Dr. EK Naik, Garima Chauhan, P. Malathi, Kobagapu Maniratnam, Buriga Teja Swaroop and Donkada Sanjana
Publication Year:2023
Binding:Paper Back


Digital Farming: Transforming Agriculture in the Information Age" delves into the cutting-edge realm of modern agriculture. In this insightful and forward-thinking book, readers will explore how technology is revolutionizing the farming industry. From precision farming and data-driven decision-making to the Internet of Things and AI-powered crop management, this book uncovers the digital tools and strategies that are reshaping the way we grow our food. With a focus on sustainability, efficiency, and increased yields, "Digital Farming" is a must-read for farmers, agribusiness professionals, and anyone interested in the future of food production. Discover the digital agricultural revolution in these pages