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Análisis Físico, Químico Y Biológico Para Evaluación De La Calidad Del Agua De Los Ríos Huaytará, Pampas Y Tambo En La Provincia De Huaytará - Huancavelica

Análisis Físico, Químico Y Biológico Para Evaluación De La Calidad Del Agua De Los Ríos Huaytará, Pampas Y Tambo En La Provincia De Huaytará - Huancavelica

₹ 455.00

Author(s):José Luis Gave-Chagua, Andrés Zósimo Ñahui-Gaspar, Pedro Antonio Palomino-Pastrana, Jorge Luis Huere-Peña, William Herminio Salas-Contreras, Liliana Asunción Sumarriva-Bustinza and Russbelt Yaulilahua-Huacho
Publication Year:2023
Binding:Paper Back

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The study was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the physical, chemical and biological analysis of the Huaytará, Pampa and Tambo rivers of the Province of Huaytará - Huancavelica, as well as providing the necessary information to be able to know the quality of the water compared in accordance with the Environmental Quality Standard (ECA) for the water of the mentioned rivers. The analyzes were carried out in two stages: Field and laboratory analysis.